Boost by Borlée

BOOST by Borlée

Ælite Fitness is thrilled to announce an exclusive partnership for Walloon Brabant with Jacques Borlée and his renowned performance program, BOOST by Borlée. Recognized for his groundbreaking work in athletics and neuroscience research, Jacques Borlée brings his extensive experience to our club, offering specialized coaching for executives, entrepreneurs, and business leaders.

Partnership Highlights:

BOOST by Borlée at Ælite Fitness: Jacques Borlée has chosen our club as the venue for his innovative coaching program. This partnership allows us to offer customized training that merges high-level athletic performance strategies with corporate leadership.

Personalized Coaching: Leveraging neuroscience research, the program is designed to enhance physical and mental well-being, thus improving performance in professional environments.

Experienced Leadership: Jacques Borlée, a celebrated coach with 54 international medals, applies his extensive experience in training elite athletes to help business leaders thrive under pressure and maintain optimal performance.

Program Details:

Coaching for Business Leaders: Similar to top-level athletes, corporate executives require discipline, resilience, and strategic thinking. Jacques Borlée’s program focuses on these areas, enhancing leaders’ performance through specialized physical and mental training routines.

Comprehensive Approach: The program includes a blend of physical training, nutrition, body mobility, and mental health strategies, all tailored to improve overall well-being and performance.

Scientific Basis: All techniques and methods are scientifically validated, ensuring participants receive the most effective training possible.

Services Offered:

  • High-Performance Training: Designed for athletes and adapted for business leaders, focusing on achieving balance and performance.
  • Workplace Well-Being: Programs to improve employee well-being and productivity through scientifically proven methods.
  • Customized Programs: Services include personalized assessments, tailored training sessions, and ongoing support to integrate these practices within the company.

Rebalance Impulse®

As part of our program in partnership with Jacques Borlée, we are proud to incorporate the use of the Rebalance Impulse®, a cutting-edge Mental Wellness & Neuro-Relaxation device. This non-invasive device offers cognitive stimulation and training based on the latest advances in neuroscience. The Rebalance Impulse® is specifically dedicated to combating chronic stress, improving sleep quality, and boosting the immune system.

Beyond its primary functions of Mental Wellness and Neuro-Relaxation, the use of the Rebalance Impulse® is seen as high-level brain training. It plays a crucial role in restoring and enhancing cognitive functions, essential for leaders and professionals facing intense mental and physical challenges daily.

The program also includes guided neuro-meditation protocols and Synchromotherapy®. These techniques help users achieve deep meditative states more quickly, promoting effective neurological recovery and regeneration. This unique combination of advanced technologies and methods ensures that each session contributes to the overall improvement of participants’ mental and physical health.

This partnership reflects Ælite Fitness’s commitment to providing cutting-edge fitness and wellness solutions. By integrating Jacques Borlée’s expert methodologies, we offer our members and their businesses a unique opportunity to excel and achieve lasting success.

Join us in welcoming Jacques Borlée to the Ælite Fitness family. For more information about the program and to sign up, please visit our website or contact our reception.


In addition to the advanced training methods offered by Jacques Borlée’s BOOST by Borlée, we are proud to introduce Oxytherapy to our range of services at Ælite Fitness. Oxytherapy, or oxygen therapy, involves providing a higher concentration of oxygen to the body’s cells to increase endurance, accelerate muscle recovery, and improve mental focus. By combining the excellence of Jacques Borlée’s training with the added benefit of Oxytherapy, we offer our members a path to athletic success and comprehensive physical well-being. Moreover, as part of a specific heart rate-based cardio training program, our 30-minute Oxytherapy session offers an immersive and dynamic experience. By combining targeted cardiovascular exercise with controlled inhalation of pure oxygen, our members can maximize the benefits of their workout, optimally stimulating their cardiorespiratory system. This innovative approach reinforces our commitment to athletic excellence and total well-being, providing our members with the tools needed to achieve their fitness goals successfully.

For Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders:

“Chez Aelite Fitness, nous croyons fermement en la puissance du mental, que ce soit dans le domaine du sport de haut niveau ou dans le monde exigeant de l’entrepreneuriat. Nous avons observé que les défis mentaux rencontrés par les athlètes de haut niveau et les entrepreneurs partagent de nombreuses similitudes : la gestion du stress, la prise de décision sous pression, et la capacité à maintenir un niveau élevé de performance dans des environnements compétitifs. Forts de cette observation, nous avons développé un programme novateur spécialement conçu pour les entrepreneurs occupés qui souhaitent tirer parti de leurs compétences athlétiques et mentales pour exceller dans leur carrière.

Our refresher program for entrepreneurs offers a holistic approach, combining mental coaching techniques, tailored physical training sessions, and effective recovery practices. Designed to fit busy schedules, our program enables entrepreneurs to quickly regain optimal performance by building on their athletic achievements and developing new skills to excel in their professional field. At Ælite Fitness, we are committed to supporting entrepreneurs in their quest for success by providing them with the tools and resources needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world.”